Message from the principal
We aim to provide quality education to our children within the parameters of sound values and a disciplined environment.
We believe that each child is unique and is capable of bringing positive change to the world. Hence, we are constantly striving to ensure that our students get to realize the full extent of their potentials.
I would like to thank all our parents for their continuous and unwavering support towards the school. I assure you that we will leave no stone unturned to make your child into better individual and find success in their lives. We also make sure that our students reap full benefits from the personalized learning that gets carried out in each classroom.
Our mission has always been to prepare our students to enter into the global world as caring, confident and responsible citizens.
Nirmala Shrestha
Message from the director
I take great pride in acknowledging that my team has successfully completed the academic session of 2076 BS. The past couple of years has been an exhilarating experience for us as we have had some fantastic achievements and built a great working environment in our school. I, with absolute humility, along with my entire team, would like to thank our teachers, students and their parents for their tireless and unprecedented support. Unquestionably today, our goals and priorities are very clear to us. It is because of this fact that we have aligned our program strategies to accommodate to these current needs. We mean it when we say that we create value innovation in our services to parents through educating our students.
The primary objective of our team is geared towards satisfying parents who aspire towards providing their child/ children with the best opportunities available. We aim to accomplish this by providing value based and practical education in our school.
Once again on behalf of the entire BBNA team, I would like to thank all our parents and well-wishers from the bottom of my heart for believing and trusting us in educating your precious child in BBNA School. I would also like to specially thank everyone who have helped sustain our strong pillars over the years in various departments. I could not have done this without you.
Thank you very much!
Niranjan Shrestha