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At BBNA, we see the art of dance as something that is more than just a medium of expression. We see the art form as an opportunity to teach our students about National and International cultures and traditions.
We also see it as a means to preserve our beautiful culture. Our students are taught to dance to the tunes of a wide variety of genres from contemporary, pop and Bollywood songs t o traditional and classic music. Dance is a powerful collaborator for the development of a growing child. It has been proven to help children mature physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively.



“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players” – William Shakespeare.
Drama is a performing art that seeks to challenge students’ perception of the world around them as also about themselves. Dramatic exploration can provide students with an outlet for emotions and thoughts that they might not otherwise have the means to express. Engaging in a drama allows students to step into the shoes of a different person and see things on a new light, all in a safe and non judgmental environment.


Outreach Activities-Community Service

Outreach Activities are a vital part of our BBNA curriculum. They allow students to recall their theoretical knowledge and apply them practically to find solutions to difficult challenges.

BBNA frequently organizes visits to various agricultural plantations, museums, National heritage sites, etc. BBNA also engage students in various social advocacy activities, environmental and intellectual programmes and community services once a year.

Outreach activities instills within each student the qualities of a responsible global citizen.

Special Programs

We believe that a school should be a mirror to the world; a place where students prepare themselves to be ready for any future obstacle.

In addition to the above mentioned activities,Baba conducts a multitude of special programs all throughout the year. Some of the programs that we conducted in the past are:

  •  Crisis management workshops.

  • Collaborative programs with other schools and organizations like the Nepal Traffic Police.

  • Awareness program on the dangers of Drug and Alcohol use.

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